Single sign-in
You no longer need to log-in separately to access forums, referrals, and monthly-reports. One sign-in is all it takes to access all of MTP.
Diagnostic Parasitology Rounds
Do you have what it takes to diagnose difficult specimens? Test your mettle with the new Parasitology Rounds (URL). Located in the Forums, one interesting image will be posted every month by the site administrator, and you will be asked to determine what parasitic infection that specimen could be. Prizes await for those who diagnose correctly three specimens in a row!
Data visualization
Graphs are the new cool, and they will come to MTP, too. You can now look at the number of cases or trends from a particular facility within a given time period with the MTP Monthly Reports Summary. You can also view this with maps in the MTP Parasitology Maps Section.
Accessing previously-submitted reports
Due to popular demand, previously submitted monthly reports will now be available in the Archives section. You may also generate PDF versions of your reports for safekeeping and printing using the ‘Export to PDF’ feature.
Expanded Image Bank
Explore the expanded Image Bank! Containing new and updated images, the Image Bank can serve as a valuable resource in your day-to-day diagnosis of parasitic infections. The image bank will now be regularly updated with submitted images chosen by experts, taken directly from the referrals! No need to worry, all identifying information will be stripped.